Livres: auteur
"Le décrochage industriel" (avec Elie Cohen), Fayard, Paris, 2014
"Les Stratégies d’internationalisation des entreprises. Menaces et Opportunités" (avec Denis Lacoste), De Boeck, 2011
"L'impact sectoriel du marché intérieur sur l’industrie », (avec F. Ilzkovitz et J.F. Lebrun), Economica, 1991
“Prospective et Compétitivité“, McGraw Hill, Paris, 1986
“Scénario pour le solaire”, Edisud, 1983
"Le Management de l'Energie", Masson, Paris, 1981
“Industrial Policy in Europe, Japan and the USA. Amounts, Mechanisms and Effectiveness ” (with K. Sekkat), Palgrave, Macmillan, 2009
“Economic Evaluation of the Internal Market”, (with J. Gual and A. Sapir) – European Economy, 1996
“The impact of the Internal Market by industrial sector: the challenge for the Member States”, (with F. Ilzkovitz and J.F. Lebrun) – European Economy, 1990
“Horizontal mergers and competition policy in the European Community”, (with F. Ilzkovitz and A. Jacquemin) – European Economy, 1989
Livres: éditeur
“The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation in Telecommunication : Perspectives for the New European Regulatory Framework”, edited with Patrick Rey, E. Elgar, 2004
"Competitiveness and the Value of Intangible Assets" edited with A. Jacquemin, J.F. Marchipont. E. Elgar, London, 2000
“European policies of Competition, Trade and Industry; Conflicts and complementarities", edited with Jacquemin and A. Sapir – E. Elgar, Londres, 1995
“Market Services and European Integration ; the challenges for the 90’s”, edited with A. Sapir and J. Gual – European Economy – Bruxelles, 1994
"Le décrochage industriel" (avec Elie Cohen), Fayard, Paris, 2014
"Les Stratégies d’internationalisation des entreprises. Menaces et Opportunités" (avec Denis Lacoste), De Boeck, 2011
"L'impact sectoriel du marché intérieur sur l’industrie », (avec F. Ilzkovitz et J.F. Lebrun), Economica, 1991
“Prospective et Compétitivité“, McGraw Hill, Paris, 1986
“Scénario pour le solaire”, Edisud, 1983
"Le Management de l'Energie", Masson, Paris, 1981
“Industrial Policy in Europe, Japan and the USA. Amounts, Mechanisms and Effectiveness ” (with K. Sekkat), Palgrave, Macmillan, 2009
“Economic Evaluation of the Internal Market”, (with J. Gual and A. Sapir) – European Economy, 1996
“The impact of the Internal Market by industrial sector: the challenge for the Member States”, (with F. Ilzkovitz and J.F. Lebrun) – European Economy, 1990
“Horizontal mergers and competition policy in the European Community”, (with F. Ilzkovitz and A. Jacquemin) – European Economy, 1989
Livres: éditeur
“The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation in Telecommunication : Perspectives for the New European Regulatory Framework”, edited with Patrick Rey, E. Elgar, 2004
"Competitiveness and the Value of Intangible Assets" edited with A. Jacquemin, J.F. Marchipont. E. Elgar, London, 2000
“European policies of Competition, Trade and Industry; Conflicts and complementarities", edited with Jacquemin and A. Sapir – E. Elgar, Londres, 1995
“Market Services and European Integration ; the challenges for the 90’s”, edited with A. Sapir and J. Gual – European Economy – Bruxelles, 1994